Sunday, February 1, 2015

Life keeps going...

Deeper level of wisdom is 
always available for each of us. 
Carol S. Pearson

Do you believe so?
I am currently reading a fabulous book, "Awakening the heroes within" If
you want to get it here is the link for you and I follow Carol on twitter, it´s about
recognizing 12 archetypes that we all have and hoe much we have developed 
each one of them, apparently, if one is not very well developed, we´ll encounter
trouble and recognizing them will help you fill the gaps missing in your life, 
I find this fascinating! This book is my kind of book,  one that helps 
you understand more about your self and because of that you grow, 
let me know if you read it and if it helped you too!  
Can you recommend one for me on the same track?  

Let´s share this kind of info more often!

I´ve been busy, I am slowly returning to modeling, a job that is
not easy as many people think, it´s not about being pretty, as
everything in life, has it´s challenges specially in my country
were fashion is beginning to wake up, how can it be other way
if the majority make money to barely survive! Fashion is an illusion
some want to believe but in this country I find it hard to follow, I am
going for the publicity side of modeling, now, there we can say there
is a huge investment and a lot of work, the bad part is that there are
many foreign people from many different countries fighting 
for the same jobs! So we will see if I endure! Lol!

I am still doing my art journal workshops and music, this will
never die in my life for they are my true companions, were I can fly
and express freely, without judgment, were I give my self...

"Maps of the unconscious"
That is not possible,
We are of the awaken
But then, only if I dare...

Turkey sandwich with an amazing dressing for the side salad, a capuchino and a
treat for dessert, apple pie, this restaurant is very close to my home so I got there
every time I´m alone.  

I started to make some journals, I plan to offer them for sale soon, just as
soon as they are ready, they are all hand painted, sometimes I mix scrapbook 
papers to give a variety and HO yes, I have too many so I need to get rid 
of them finally! I think having a journal like this, you can add just your journaling 
or some photos or to give them away as presents, each one is unique, I am using 
my gelli print for the painting process of the papers, it´s so much fun 
wouldn´t you agree?  

I share with you some of my first photo shootings, if you didn´t know, I was 
Miss Mexico in 1991-1992 and I wanted to have some new photos with my crown
and bandage, it may be nothing to some but for me, it was a big deal and changed
my life, after so many years, I am still grateful this came to my life and I want to
give it it´s proper place even though I am terrible when it comes to taking care of my 
crown, it was all twisted! Lol!

Now that I went back to the traffic, I am taking my books with me to use 
the time usually is wasted, I wish there were more audio books and the facility
to download them, that would make our live easier while in the car don´t
you think? I want a gadget of audio books only, if someone is listening...
that is a great idea!  :)

Tears for Fears
"Fish out of water"

My muse and my connection to the world
of emotions, one of my obsessions,
no other band makes me feel this way
I can´t say why, I´ve been listening to their
music for so long,  one day I found my self
deeply in love with the lead singer, Roland Orzabal, 
such an interesting man, it´s my dream to met him
one day but it´s also the scariest idea!

if I find my self broken, this heals 
if I am happy, this is my companion
if I am lost, this inspires me
if I need a hand, this is tenderness...

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