Tuesday, June 18, 2013

10 points about why it`s good for the soul to work in an Art Journal

I`ve been working on my art journal a lot lately and this made me wonder what is
it about it that it is so appealing to me and I thought of sharing with you this 
so if you`ve been wondering if this is for you or if it`s something that will make
you loose your precious art time or not, hopefully after reading this points, 
you will be able to decide and maybe to have one if you still don`t!

  •  It`s art practice in a safe free style/way, practice keeps adding to your art skills  
  •  It`s your most friendly confident, a true friend that attentively listens and keeps your secrets
  •  Keeps record of your journey, your feelings, thoughts and colors of the seasons of your life
  • It gives you no pressure
  •  it can become a source of inspiration for larger projects
  • It helps to "let it all out", hard life stuff, great life stuff and gives relieve
  • It helps making everything positive by adding embellishments and great colors
  •  It helps organizing thought, sometimes it is until we write it that we can understand what is going in on with us, this happens to me often!
  •  It`s creative time and makes you happy and happy time gives a lot of value and strengthens your life
  •  It`s a great surface to experiment in, try new ideas or put at practice new techniques

No art time is wasted time!  Every practice is adding to your artistic journey, I used to
think that maybe it was better to work on a canvas in case it was an extraordinary day
and I would feel bad if it was on a simple paper on my journal but I changed this idea 
first because it was a super restricting idea and I wasn`t allowing my desires of exploration 
to be fulfilled and I want to feel free with my art and second because Art really isn`t about the
 surface, it is about the expression of the soul, it is about letting your soul become 
art, express and share your self, your understanding of life and unique experiences.

Want a great source of inspiration for your journals?  Check my pinterest wall!  I go there
everytime I journal for inspiration and ideas!

I am also making more dolls, I love how they are progressing, it`s funny how
I get attached to some!  My brother finished the bodies and now it`s all painting 
and embellishing them! I want to try new things... let`s see what will come!

I should make a journal about my dolls only... that`s an idea!
Hope you are happy and enjoying your self!


  1. Love that journal entry makes me want to start on one and must say the doll journal sounds great u could put a pic of one and maybe journal around it and on the opposite page write a little story about her ..
    Hugzzzz bev

  2. I love your work so very much Moni. It is so beautiful and so creative.
    lovely greet

  3. Your 10 points for art journaling is very good advice. Your talent and work is amazing. Making a journal, just about your dolls, would be a fantastic idea.

  4. Your art journal page is amazing. Love it.

  5. Beautiful journal! Love your work Monica!

  6. Your journal and your dolls are awesoe. Great job.:)

  7. Hi my dear, your journals are always so amazing and the dolls? They are just to cute. always love seeing what you are up to. xoxoxo

  8. Monica...your journal pages are beautiful! Thank you for your points about art journaling! The dolls are coming along beautifully....they are wonderful! :)


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!