Monday, February 23, 2015

Silent heart /a new art journal class

I have been quiet...  I am a wild forest trying to become civilization, some branches and trunks are harder to remove and there are days when the rain is so intense,  I forget there is a sun above it all, drowning the foundations of my castle.  It´s hard to see your castle, you are building it from the inside out, it morphs as you evolve.  There is no other way to go through life but through change and change brings doubt and excitement, hope and uncertainty, gain and loss but is harder to stay in the same place, it´s actually, impossible for our nature is to evolve.

Art is my boat, were I hide and unfold, my discipline and playground, were I become, were I get lost and also were I am found.  I am so thankful I found this path or better said, my true self. For some is as if they already know since birth who they are, for me, it has been a struggle to shape my self but at the end, I am always satisfied with who I´ve become, I just know there is more.

Let us be guided by the wisdom of reason and by 
the truth of the heart towards our best possibility. 

Now let´s move on to the fun part of this post!
I am sharing a new art journal tutorial with you, I hope you 
enjoy the fun tips I have discovered in my studio, this page is 
very simple, just as I am and want to become even more, learn
to appreciate the simple is important to me, it helps me develop
humility which is the path to love.

First tip!  I am starting to use one or two colors mixed with guesso 
to start my pages, you can add textures with the guesso if wanted
and be aware of the white of the guesso to achieve your desired color.

Then I drew very thin lines of my design with a vegetable charcoal, 
to be covered with paint, I didn´t used fixative but you could!

I started to paint my negative with some contrasting color, the 
negative is the opposite of your subject, let´s say the background and all that
that surrounds your subject and the positive is your actual object, notice I am
doodling with the paint, another discovery for me!  Instead of covering all, this way
you will have lots of texture!

Now, here is another fun tip for your studio!  Make a scrapper brush
out of recycle items!
I love scrapers and I know I can buy them in all kinds of shapes but
I also love recycling and all that has to do with DIY, (do it your self!) Yeeey! ;)

Check the photos to make it easier to understand!

Here is what I did to make my own scraper brush:

  1. Removed the hairs from an old, cheap brush
  2. Recycle or not an old cleaning scraper and cut it to size to fit the brush
  3. Stick it inside the brush and close tightly
  4. Practice with it to see how it works
  5. Use to write cool, unique words with paint
  6. Use to paint
  7. Make more in different sizes
  8. Add marks and cuts to the scrapper to have more possibilities, teeth, squares, etc.

Now, that is one way to paint words and it´s a lot of fun,
the writing bellow was made with an old "useless" brush, you know, 
the kind you left there, all covered in paint and forgot about it
´til the next day?  Well, I saved them and waited for an idea 
for them and today, I used one to paint letters just as with the scrapper but the
hairs are so hard they leave texture all around the letters, I love it!

Quick video writing the words!

To end, I added more paint around the letters, again, working
the negative of the work, the same was done in the other page
but with different colors, both pages have the same colors, 
only, they are used differently on each page, changing the negative
and positive, one great way to work on two pages at the same time, 
something I love to do but is a little challenging.

I hope you enjoyed the tips and tutorial
shared with you with much love!

* Inspiration *

Sneak a peek into my art journal 

Photos of my students work in class!  Slowly, making progress, it´s
awesome to be able to share in a live class, we all learn so much! 
I am gaining a better understanding of your need and doubts, how to share
and how everyone is different and understands differently!

Just one more thing has to be said...

it´s ok to grab my ideas and share them on your own sites but 
please understand,  this are my own creation and I hope you 
acknowledge that when you share them! I know this
 it´s hard to control and actually I don´t want to,
all I ask is for you to put your self in my shoes for a minute and try to 
understand that I am also trying to make something with all this and I am 
doing the best I can and it takes a lot of work and effort to do all this, please
be wiser,
and bigger, 
make your self and
the world better!

It is true that integrity alone won't make you a leader, but without integrity you will never be one.
                                                                                        Zig Ziglar

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