I love textures in my paintings, it just have to be there or else I will feel
incomplete, I love it and to me, it adds depth and story to the work, I add
many layers of paint adding textures in many ways on each layer, you can
do this with your brush or some old pen used for this purpose!
I also show you how I started a figure in my page and then decided I did´t
like it, sometimes we think we have to keep working on something in order
to like it but you can change your mind!! It´s an obvious thing to say but
sometimes is not! So I covered it and kept taking my work to somewhere
I enjoyed more and the use of collage came to my mind this time, it´s a
lot of fun to add images that are already perfect, like old vintage photography,
paper cuts from magazines, and arrange them in a way that speak for you,
here is my pinterest wall with tons of free images to download
and use in your works!
I´ve also learned that you can paint on top of some images and then you have
a great new image, I learned this from one of my favorite artist, Misty Mawn,
and now I use it sometimes when I don´t feel like painting all of the page,
then I used some stencils and I journaled in between, voila, my page it´s done!
It sure is fun to have many ways to journal so you can choose according to
how you feel when starting a page right?
Which is your favorite way to go? Painting, drawing, watercolors, collage?
Share with us your favorite techniques when journaling!
You asked me to share the Mexican brand of acrylic paint that
I discovered and love so here it is!!
The name is Politec, the professional line, they are a Mexican company,
they have an online store but they don´t offer this paints, it is actually
hard to find them even for me, I can´t tell why!
I love it for the thickness of the paint, it holds very well but it is soft at the same
time and a little paint goes a long way, it has a great quality and this are only my
favorite colors and translations or something close to the names in English
but they have a large palette, remember that each brand has
their own hues, tones and varies from one to another so don´t try
to compare it, these are the paints I use in my journals mixed with
the brand golden which I also love for the brightness and
shine they have, I also use a gloss medium to add shine
but if you use a lot of it, it can make the pages glue together and then
your page will be ruined so when dry, use a candle to rub it on the pages,
this will prevent the glueing even though it makes it a little blur or mat
I hope this helps!
Blanco de titanio 901/ Titanium white
Amarillo 904/ Yellow
Siena natural 924/ Raw Sienna
Siena tostada 925/ Burnt umber
Verde bosque 911/ Green from the woods
Carmin permanente 917/ Magenta
Azul cobalto 922/ Cobalt blue
You can shop online for these here and no, I am not paid for sharing this with you,
this is the only store were I can find them and they are very cheap!
The happiest people don´t
have the best of
everything, they just make
the best of everything!
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