Thursday, December 4, 2014

The elements of a dream/ Art journal tutorial recycling

I am used to save my toilet rolls since I discovered that I can do many things
with them!  If you haven´t read my tutorial on how to make them usable, here
it is for you!  I had to change my mind from thinking about it as garbage into
a wonderful material I was wasting! I have a wood box were I keep those already
flattened for that times when inspiration strikes!   
As you can see I have made some little books with them binding 
them only with masking tape!!  The easiest book I made and
 they can be gorgeous after your creativity is put into them but lets go
into what we are going to cover now, an art journal page inspired on Christmas!
I´ll go back to the little books later on a new post for you! ;)

Materials used:

Flattened toilet paper
acrylic paints, 
I used ochre, white, 
dark aqua, dark red, brown
heavy gel medium
bottle spray 
scrap papers
vintage image, 
choose one here, print and use!
words from an old book

I used one flat toilet paper and drew a house design...

With a bone folder, I marked were the folding is gonna take place,
use a ruler! :)

Then cut until the mark and open the door folding it...

Give it a hand of guesso and let it dry...
then paint with dark red and use some brown to make the corners
darker and the door, (no photo for that, sorry)

In the mean time, cover your page with some ochre paint and don´t forget
about those marks you can make around!

Measure the image you will be using and check were you want it on your page...

Add a coat of white but don´t cover the ochre completely, let it show...

if you use a journal like mine, please check on the center so it´s nice too... 

Now add your favorite color for the sky, I used some dark aqua,
adding ochre on top in some areas again...

Then glue the image and the painted house...

Add details to the house and paint some snow in the floor, 
see the path to the house?
To end, sprinkle some watery white paint for the snow
and you are done!!  You can add words in the other page if you want, for me
I will let it like this and added some words in the heart in the front of the 
house, that´s enough for me but be creative or use the same place as I did!!

I think this page is very easy and I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and try it,
then think how else you can use this idea and add new colors and other
feel for new works in the future!

This season is lovely and what keeps us warm comes from what we give 
and share with our loved ones and you are my loved ones too!

In the next post I´ll be sharing how I created some ornaments using 
the toilet paper roll again so if you haven´t, please start saving them!

Merry Christmas!!

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