Friday, February 10, 2012

I love kitties!

Kitties are so much fun, I`ve had many in my life and they have
been very special to me!  I have been painting a few of them and I 
found the photos this morning so I decided to share with you today!

I love the colors on this one!

I love realistic paintings but whimsical characters make me happier!

 I`ve tried different colors and shapes and my sweet heart named this one
 "The kitty avatar" of course you can see why! Lol!

My favorite now, the one I adopted over the shelter, she`s adorable and so big 
and heavy now, she`s always trying to steal something from my art table and
picking on my other kitty, who is older and so peaceful, they sure keep me busy! Lol!

D you have pets? Aren`t they a very important part of us? I would feel like
something was missing without them wouldn`t you?   >ºº<
Hands and Heart signature


  1. Just stopping by to say hi, Monica. Love your cute whimsical kitties...and the real one too.
    Hope your weekend is filled with blessings and some fun,

    Coleen in Southern California (at the moment)

    1. Thank you sweets, I hope you are having a good tme over California! ;D

  2. I love kitties too Monica. And your paintings are so loveble and beautiful. Really fabulous. Also your adopted cat is beautiful and I understand that they are a important part of your life. I have had my pussycat for almost 22 year. And I do miss her yet.
    Lovely greet and nice weekend

    1. Thanks a lot Marja, 22 years is a lifetime! have a nice creative weekend! ;D

  3. Oh Moni,
    I adore these kitties!!! I want one, are you going to sell them in your etsy shop?
    Hugs and much love,

    1. Thank you sweet heart, just let me know wich one you want! You know i can`t say no to you! ;D Hugs!

  4. Yes my kitties are my children, and they know they rule this house lol. I absolutely LOVE these paintings! Wonderful texture and colors, the eyes are amazing!
