Saturday, February 19, 2011

Corazòn sagrado

Aquì, en mi corazòn, arde la llama
de la vida tan intenso que aveces duele...
Here, in my heart, burns the fire of life
so deep it sometimes hurts...

I am working on my big fat altered book
again, this is an old encyclopedia that I got
at a flea market for like 10 dlls, for four 
big, hard cover books filled with old vintage
 images and lessons about lenguages and stuff, 
I love it because I get to use the images for 
other collages and  the rest of the pages are 
for painting and of course experimenting!

This is still in progress and taking a rest now,
but it could be left like this, that`s the beauty 
of altered books!
My mom started me on this art by giving
me my first beautiful book about how to make 
them about when I first opened it, I thought I 
went to art heaven! Lol!

Since then, it`s one of my favorite surfices
to work with, some friends know about this
 and give me their old books but it`s hard to 
store them so I usually give them away 
when finished!

I`ll show you more paes later! Have a fun 

Hands and Heart signature