Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Staring at the stars

Drawing with pencil is easy, it`s just that 
is laborious and not many enjoy the that,
I have to admit it takes self imposed dicipline
and of course, the love of it, I enjoy every step of it
and that`s why I share my process...

For me, every step of the way is lovely and 
I could stop at any ponit and still like the work!

I found new ways to draw easier and 
I keep on learning new things but what
does the trick is to put your self to practice!

I love the moments I spend in my studio
just me, beautiful music and a cup of coffe
or iced tea, I take lots of brakes to streach out,
 at moments I forget about moving! Lol!

I take my journey slowly, I know I still have much
 to learn yet and that is great, keeps me hoping!
I believe we should do what is most important to us 
at the moment, make the best out of it but savoring
the process, the process of life it self...

That process is different for each, we
choose different things and pick up
 what we like best!

Making art helps us develope beautiful 
aspects of our selves, like patience,
dicipline, exploration, deep observation, 
creativity and the list can go on and on...

What aspect of your self has grown even
more because of art? 

This is the final piece with more work on 
it in photoshop, very subtle just to add more
contrast on her,  I hope you enjoyed the
step by step tour!

Hands and Heart signature


  1. This is beautiful Moni! I can't wait to see what you do with her in Photo Shop. I am just learning Photo Shop and excited for new possibilities.
    I love what you have said also, such wise words~ Happy Creating, Theresa

  2. Moni she is totally amazing... so beautiful. You inspire me so much :D
    Chris xx

  3. I like seeing the pictures of the process. It gives me ideas and helps me make decisions about new techniques to use myself. Great drawing by the way.

  4. beautiful! i love her sparkling eyes. i am a messy worker and find it hard to keep it neat with pencil. i guess i need some lessons.
