These fall leaves were picked on the street while in a walk one
rainy afternoon here in Mexico city.
We don´t have leaves of different colors in this season, they just
start to fall more often and so the streets are covered by them unless
people sweep them away which is every day now, I used a few for
my inspiration this time.
Every season brings new opportunities, ideas, flavors and I love them all,
I´ve learned to appreciate the little things each offers and I think that way
I embrace all I can, it is weird to me to hear many say they "don´t like
the cold, or the rain or the heat "I embrace all of life and always
find inspiration by all of that which is a lot!
When you take a closer look at one leave, you can find a whole universe of
things going on there, specially when you try to draw it or paint it, I believe
art makes us see more than what we usually would for it is required to do so
and in that way, I believe, artists live more deeply their surroundings.
Simple tools were used this time:
my old watercolor Moleskine
Water soluble pencils
4b pencil
brown pen
I usually start by observing details a lot,
each line, spot, color I can spot, I try to translate with
my hands in to color, watercolors are very simple
you just have to spend some time with them for they to
whisper their secrets to you.
I put the leaves on top of the paper to create my design, check if and
how they would fit and find the best composition for my eyes and heart!
Then they were carefully placed on the side trying to remember the position
of each...
I used my water soluble pencils first, I love them so I
incorporate them as much as I can :D
My old watercolor set is filled with watercolors from the tubes,
I need to fill the brown asap!! :O
Samples of my steps!
I´s a process, one that requires time and patience but
the reward is always worth it!
To end, I decided to bring my brown pen and write on top
of it to give it a twist of fun!
My working table has a new tablecloth! I love it :D
I also use a lot of candles so I gave my space a remake
and created these very simple ornaments!
With a glue gun, I covered a recycled can entirely, then glued the leaves,
added the dust of used tea for the bottom and added a candle... Voila!
Use tea dust for the bottom, or sand, or earth or...
I´m inspired!
Las hojas secas me traen el recuerdo de que el año esta por comenzar su
ciclo de retiro, las calles se visten de los colores de la declinación mezclado
con las últimas lluvias que Tlaloc quiere compartir con nosotros.
Hay una mezcla de frío y calor, incertidumbre y esperanza en esta tierra de
Aztecas pero aún así los que estamos queremos y debemos seguir, no sólo por
que aquí estamos si no por que quizá estamos para algo.
Prefiero pensarlo así y seguir volando en los sueños de esta mujer
que vive en su propio universo de inventos y quehaceres y que a veces lo
comparte con los demás con la esperanza de dar un poco de inspiración y
alegría en medio de este mundo que va a exceso de velocidad y que
encuentra el freno como algo insólito y ridículo.
Si es que doy algo al mundo, es mi ser, lo que soy, lo que hago y puedo crear,
lo que viene a mi mente y corazón, deseando que llene el de otros de alguna
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