Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Manos, hands in spanish are still a subject of inspiration as you
 can see in this new works, I`ve used them as a stamp, pretty 
much like we are taught when children and I combined my 
hands with other stamps I`ve recently created like the one in the center,
 it`s very  light here for I used a very extended white so the colors 
bellow could  also bee seen...hopefully! ;D

This other one is a current page on my journal and I love the strong colors!
I am still loosening up and having tons of fun! It`s taking me to different 
directions, art is a beautiful amazing universe!

Here you can see some of my carved stamps, I love them `cause it`s cheap and
easy to find and keep me practicing on carving, I`ve recently made a huge
order to the US for some carving materials and I just can`t wait for them to
arrive, it`s gonna be a blast!

I am visiting a crafts and arts show today over the WTC here in Mexico city, I love
going and getting inspired and being able to see all of the retailers in one place,
some come from very far places and it`s hard to find their amazing products other 
way and the good news is that it`s all for sale!  So I will share some photos of
 my day in my next post! ;D

Have a beautiful day!

Hands and Heart signature

1 comment:

  1. Hi Monica, It's a pleasure to look at your pages. And then your creative and inspriational hands, super and beautiful work. Love it.
    Lovely greet Marja
