Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mexico city Tour!

El bazar Sàbado is a crafts market
that offers amazing art pieces to those
who visit wich I most say is a favorite
of turists from all over the world!
It only opens on Saturdays and that`s why
the name... Sàbado!

There are many wonderful restaurants
with delicious mexican buffets and of course
I visit often, the bad thing about it, is that there
is so much food you can`t try it all!

The roof is covered by the mexican flag
wich i love the way it looks, at breakfast and
already inspired by many colors!

The actual market recieves you with this colorful
dispaly of hand made paper flowers aranged
in beautiful baskets, some flowers are huge!
The wonderful couple that sells them are working
right there and they let you take a glimpse into
how they are made!

Wonderful designs based on traditional clothing
are offered, I would love to have this one!
This is the kind of clothing Frida Kahlo used
to wear!

I found a painting of her in the restaurant
the interesting part is that is made in black
 and white!

A huge milagro stands out from many
tiny milagritos, this are a great present to bring
back home and I love them and collect them!

This is a display of miniatures, so tiny
so perfect, you want to take them all!

One of my favorite elements:
the mermaid in la Loteria,  La Catrina
and La Virgen de Guadalupe

An altar is offered in the big center patio of the market!
This would be nice to paint!

Amazing sculptures, this is just a glimpse!

My favorite, shadow boxes!

More miniatures, how much work! 

Outside the place there is a huge display of
traditional candies to accompany you while you shop!

Yummy! :D

I`ve also taped a video to show you more, 
there is a lot in this part of the world!

I hope you enjoy it, I made it for the Artful Gathering
as an introductory video for my upcoming workshop that
is inspired by Frida Kahlo and Mexican colors,
this is the actual project that I will be sharing
from cero to end, isn`t it gorgeous?

I now leave you with the video  I made, it shows a bit about me, my studio  and my beautiful inspiring city wich I love!

Hands and Heart signature


  1. Hi Monica. This was wonderful. I enjoyed the tour of your city, the fruits and veggies, the art, clothes and just the whole thing. Excellent. I had lots of fun. Thanks a lot. Have a great rest of the week.

  2. Monica, gracias !!!!! What a delight it was to walk the streets of your beautiful city with you. I absolutely loved the colorful inspiration I received as I walked with you. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Bendiciones..!!!!

  3. I want to go! You must be inspir3ed all of the time!
