Friday, April 22, 2011

Inspired by Art!

Have you ever wonder what
 inspires an artist to create?
I thinks is different for everyone but
I would say beauty, life, love, colors,
feelings, doubts, questions and all
that surrounds us and we encounter and
 experience in our lives, Life it self is 


When I`m "hungry" of inspiration I 
look up to the sky and breath, fill in
my lungs with air along with the colors 
of the clouds and how the sun touches 
them making them spakle and feel 
s p e c i a l...

Life is Art

I am just observing, allowing my self to touch it,
learn from it, play with it and finally share my
experience, an cicle we are all part of, knowing it
or not.

Us all of your different aspects of your power
for the ultimate reason of life:

Happy Earth Day! :)

Hands and Heart signature

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog ! I'm a new follower and hope you'll join me as well. Hugs and Happy Easter,Amy
