Friday, August 23, 2013

Learning, growin` happy!

Art lessons are happy time!  After thinking about it, I decided it
was time to go back to formal studies and so I am having a great
time twice a week as you can see, my brother is also there!  
We are learning a lot and loving it!

I`ll be sharing my advances as I go with you guys, I hope you 
get inspired!  I can`t tell you which technique is my favorite or 
which medium, I love them all!!  Is that a problem? I don`t 
think so, I believe the more you know the better and some
exercises make others easier when you change the medium!

And of course there is still time for art journals and cooking! :D  
those are chocolate-pecans cookies and they fly away as soon as
they come out of the oven!  
I got a new recipe from my mom about
Scones, I didn`t know what they were until she shared with me
this recipe and they are amazing!  They sure came to stay in our
favorite desserts!   

If you are interested, I have a great collection of recipes over my Pinterest
this are desserts and this is food and of course art journals and art! I have
to say I am totally addicted to this site, it`s easy to find your favorite 
things or to find something new, I loooove it!

My latest piece, she`s a result of my art classes, I loved it and I hope
you too!!   I have listed a few of my pieces including this one over

I love you!


  1. Monica this is all so beautiful. How wonderful that you and your brother are taking the class together. We learn every day. Today I learned that you are a very exciting person who goes out there in the world and finds what makes her happy. I knew that already but you reminded me of how great a person you are. Love your work Monica.::hugs::

  2. Love all these wonderful paintings so glad u are out doing art classes ,I did watercolour classes once a week and loved it ....Scones I remember the ones my grandmother used to make and that's a long time ago lol they are an English/Australian tradition in all homes ...scones with jam and cream yummy....I think Americans call them biscuits ...
    Hugzzzz bev

  3. Love your artwork, its beautiful!
    Groetjes karin

  4. Moni, your Art is so beautiful as you´re. I like your new ones.
    Te ves muy linda amiga

    Maria Espe

  5. Hi Moni!
    I am still having trouble with getting my blogger to work for me.

    However, I came here to tell you, what a wonderful and beautiful post this is. I have been with you since you started your journey and I still love all of your work. I must say I am partial to your first work you taught me, but love all of it.
    Thank you for being here. I can't imagine life without you!

  6. Moni I'm so proud of you and a little jealous if I am to tell the truth! Formal art school... wow! :D
    This girl you painted from school... she is absolutely gorgeous. I love whimsical but I want to get my girls more realistic... I guess some self studying is in order... you go girl! I miss taking classes with you though and hope someday in the future you will come back and teach one or two... I still need to learn how to paint realistic hands and hair! LOL! :D
    Hugs and best of luck (although you don't need luck you have so much natural talent)!

  7. WOW!!! I LOVE the girl with the red flower and the eyes of the girl with the braid are fabulous... it seems as if she's really looking at me. Off to view your Pinterest boards.

  8. Great work! And we LOVE YOU too : )


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!