Sunday, September 2, 2012

Best Friends Journal Page

In my studio, I am surrounded by tons of art supplies
and they have become my confidants, they are with me
most of the time, they travel with, they wait for me, they
learn with me and help me express my self every time,
 this quiet friends have become my  best friends and
 I wanted  to pay a small tribute in this journal page!

Life is so wonderful, one day it teaches you to be grateful
and the other teaches you to be generous, a never ending
circle were energies flow, grow and expand!

The great thing about giving is that when you do so, you feel 
good and so, it`s a reward just to do it!

I love my tools and I am grateful to have them, to have
the opportunity to make beautiful things with them, it`s 
a JOY that keeps evolving, understood in different ways,
I am in love with LIFE & with ART!
and I hope I keep growing, learning, trying things and 
sharing with you all!

This pages are shown in my latest online workshop from start to finish
like many other pages, we cover how to alter images you like 
to make beautiful pages to journal on, this is addictive
and so much fun, it`s hard to stop and go do your duties but also
it`s so good for the soul!

I hope you are having a good time, that your friends 
are there, listening, helping and sharing with you
this wonderful experience called LIFE!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Monica this is beautiful work again. Also your video, thanks a lot.
    Lovely greet and hug
