Saturday, August 25, 2012


I have been on a little vacation and I will share some photos of
my trip to Los Cabos hopefully over my next post but before I
wanted to share my stamping fascination with you!

Carving my own stmaps is a fun activity and I am addicted
to it, I want to make tons of them and become great at it, 
so far I`ve done fabulous stamps that I love and here I share
with you how my collection is coming along! 

I am loving it! It`s easy and I love how they look even just like that!

And I love painting with them!

And it`s fun to mix with my purchased collection like in this journal page!

I hope you are having a great weekend so far! 
Make the best out of it and be happy!

Love.... Moni.


  1. Monica I love your carved stamps. I know too that it is so addictive and I love to do it also very much. Your stamps are beautiful and the combination perfect.
    Lovelt greet

  2. Mónica, the stamps look amazing. I really want to start creating some stamps myself ;-)

  3. Oh Moni... your stamps are amazing... such gorgeous designs... and love your journal pages too...

    Jenny x
