Sunday, December 12, 2010

For the love of dolls giveaway!

Many of us love them and some of us enjoy 
drawing,  painting them, making paper dolls, 
fabric dolls, the list can go on, it`s a world that offers
 a wide variety of ideas and an artist doesn`t ever stop learning!

I know many of us are always in the search of new techniques,  
 and to get inspired by new ideas is  always a good thing for the 
searching artist and that`s is why 
it occured to me to create this new group at 
with the idea of sharing how Manga dolls are created, 
I wanted to learn more of this gorgeous dolls
and see if this could help me in my own 
art journey and now I share this findings
in this free group wich is available for anyone
who want to learn this.

Here is one of my Manga dolls I`ve done so far, 
I mostly have been working with pencil with other dolls but this 
one is a mixed media, who knows were this will lead me to...

If you feel like it, please join us and learn how 
this dolls are made, share and get inspired,
by other growing artists, this group will be updating 
often with new ideas, links and videos
about this gorgeous dolls.

Inspired by this group and the chibi dolls 
wich are little baby mangas, Anita Van Hal and I 
joined our art skills and creativity in this fun fabric doll workshop,
it`s a beginners approach and the workshop will open January 1st!
Isn`t she cute? I just love her!

This doll up here is looking for some love,
she wants to be adopted by You!
She will be yours if you help us spread the voice 
about this wonderful workshop, simply copy the flyer 
by clicking on it, save on your computer, 
post about this with a link here or to:


Let me know you did by writing a comment in this
post and a link to it, in January 1st I`ll make a draw
with all of names of you who did it and 
I will anounce the winner!

Want more? Anita and I are planing on our second 
workshop, would you like to win two free spots?
Join us here and learn how! 

Be blessed and thank you!

Hands and Heart signature


  1. Hi Monica, I have links to your new doll workshop on my twitter @artandyarn on my facebook page and on my blog,

    Beverley xx

  2. Hi Monica, I finally found where to comment! I was having a hard time finding what to click on to get to the comments! Anyway, I'm really impressed and excited about your new mixed media doll class, Moshi Moshi...

    I have posted a link on my blog about it and hopefully someone will actually go to my blog and see it! I don't get many visitors there yet. Here is the link:

  3. This would be just the class I need to brighten up my cold winter! Thanks friend! I posted about it right away! Blessings.

  4. Merry Christmas Monica...What a delightful workshop for the New Year.. I love your fabric painted dolly ... I've included your entry on my blog at: and joy of the season to your and your family my friend.
    Christmas HUGS..

  5. You have one HECK of a lot of talent!

  6. Art envy, you will make everyone jealous, you are the lucky winner of the cute doll! :)
    Yeeey, what a great new year`s gift! Congratulations and thank you everyone for participating!
    Happy new year! Moni.

  7. Hi Monica! I would like to be part of the workshop. Is the workshop over or is an ongoing class. Please let me know! I just applied to the ning team/page :)


