Saturday, January 1, 2011

First painting of 2011!

 I want to share with you my first painting of the year
as well as some of the process of it...

every new painting is my teacher...

Sometimes they make me fly...

Some have a voice of their own
or even parfume...

This one was born a few hours ago,  January 1st, 2011,
 the first day of a whole new year full of stories,
lessons and more paintings...

May one of them bring joy to your heart!


Also, as promised, here is the lucky winner
of my Moshi Moshi doll, Art Envy!
She will travel soon to the hands of her new mom! 
Thank you all of you who participated! 
Please write me about your email add so 
I can send it right away!

Happy new year!
Hands and Heart signature


  1. She is breathtaking! great start to 2011.
    Congrats to the winner of your adorable doll!
    I meant to come back and enter, I don't know how I forgot, lol!

    Happy New Year

  2. What a beautiful painting Moni! And, what a great way to start a new year! I'm STILL waiting on the class videos to upload...trying to be patient...sigh...can't wait to see where our artful collaboration leads us this New Year! Hugs always!!!

  3. So happy to have found your blog! This painting is breathtaking! So beautiful!! Love it! I look forward to following your art journey! :)
